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2015-3-28 22:11| view publisher: amanda| views: 2454| wiki(57883.com) 0 : 0

description: 01 thousand mistakes 122,570 02 I love the people, Amid old friends 249,978 03 power power 13,624 04 Amid old friends Amid old friends 22,275 05 life, only you a thousand mistakes, 15,467 06 love only ...
01 thousand mistakes 122,570
02 I love the people, "Amid old friends" 249,978
03 power "power" 13,624
04 Amid old friends "Amid old friends" 22,275
05 life, only you "a thousand mistakes," 15,467
06 love only you. "Amid old friends" 20,245
07 clouds "Taiwan's most beautiful .." 14,724
08 love without regret, "Stone Heart" 13,041
09 starry night of parting, "Taiwan's most beautiful .." 19,207
10 buried love, "Taiwan's most beautiful .." 19,869
11 first love "joke Life" 1,251
12 is difficult to recall the past, "Taiwan's most beautiful .." 5,049
13 US-girl scene roof "surround concert 6" 688
14 autumn leaves "infatuation Love Dream" 15,518
15 Paper A pen "Stone Heart" 765
16 dishes "Love You Love Iraq" 3,110
17 Forgive me, sweetheart, "Taiwan's most beautiful .." 3,756
18 Autumn term "Taiwan's most beautiful .." 4,313
19 life willingly for you wrong "life willingly for you wrong" 9,294
20 women love men's tears "baby son" 6,227
21 wine Pier2,512
22 stone heart "Stone Heart" 10,983
23 lovestruck Dream "power" 1,888
24 retreat "Love You Love Iraq" 10,904
25 woman "Stone Heart" 33,920

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